

Ferson to Person

This section is for personal ads to contact new friends Rates: $1 per issue for appros. a 5 line ad. Replies 50¢ in stamps or coin. Send letters in open, stamped envelopes..

19. Would like to correspond with & perhaps meet TVs in Colo. and Wyoming agea. Like to form or join Colo TV

' club. I live within 50 miles of Denver.


1 10.

Wilma, Colo.

Lonely TV disciple like to correspond with and poss- ibly meet sympath. exper. TV in the New York City area ' who can advise and help me in purchase of correct items ' and show me how to be a successful TV. Rose, N.Y.G.



Good and Services



Confidential mail address assures privacy. Nobody knows. Letters remailed to you promptly in strong, plain envel- opes. $3 a month. You furnish stamps. Your letters treated as sacred trust, handled with utmost care. Avoid snoopers, Write today for free details.

HEDGPETH--Mail Forwarding Agent. 406 So. Second St.


Alhambra 6, Calif.

Published approximately

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